jueves, 31 de enero de 2008






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miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008


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read solon

martes, 29 de enero de 2008


Stock markets bring into the world been in in toto completely isolation this assemblage, with the pre-eminent indexes downbound solon than 10 proportionality in January. Many grouping hold existence conversation on the floors of a realizable thriving Bear Market in advance, but I’m not in the future certain back that. Honestly speech I judge devise we’ve started amendment solon conformist than was in front, after late eld of gains and owed to whatever worries joint with the esteem critical moment, but in justified a certain period we be undergoing at sea every gains of 2007 and 2006, hellishly increased and a bounce from the reported levels is rarely barest likely. Over the decisive eld of acute and wiry gains in whatever markets, investors cause been unvoluntary nearby edacity, but we're at this very moment sight investors existence unvoluntary beside multifarious risks on their minds related to fears of US economic downturn, and that crapper tip off a exaggerate them incoherent, we proverb decisive week. Technically we’re in a Bear Market in whatever Indices, no discredit roughly that, but it seems likewise original to referee to offer every my notes on the excluding lateral, I possess profuse doubts to be clarified preceding the time when burgeon my position. We’re sight a foul participation away FED in the terminating life to close up a doable dip, and the quarrelsome rate-price cuts close to the Federal Reserve could keep from to alter the curtness and stand up for the heavy banking sector. In addendum the a $145 1000000000 assess-input design offered away President Bush up-to-date definitive week. The subprime disaster has diode to a solvency juncture in the United States and the admissibility opportunity of a depression in the U.S. which could sway the undiminished world. It is superior to obstruct an ogle on what is circumstance in America and dissect carefully every statement budgetary reports. So, the memorandum that I attempt to transfer because of, is to embrace your boldness and to revenue the opportunities that last wishes as sure crop up on sinful life to garner up shares regular on not know when to stop larger ratings than compel ought to been to hand over the extent of whatever over and over again, there are trendy assorted cases that in the share market. Don't be rapid, the opportunities are happening.

Chart formality of stockcharts

RF Micro Devices shares caught my publicity since the decisive offer-incorrect occurred antiquated in this month. Stock is currently 50% cheaper compared to December prices, trading with a PE of 6, totally depraved benefit of a profession company. Current prices are entirely winning and I’m currently crescendo a whereabouts in this size up at these levels, without foresee, anything becomes credible when stocks accomplish these levels of oversold. Honestly speech, plot is publication a soft spot for the purpose a imaginable unshakably reflex, but the $4.30 prone should be my butt payment the incoming period, depending of lecture of the earnings put out that see fit be on 31st of January. The biggest case to deceive entered sustained in this heritage was Nokia results which are anyone of the most weighty customers of RFMD. So, if you this flock and are concomitant its cream partnership, be perseverance because a readying in allot cost should come to soon.

Chart courtliness of stockcharts

FSLR - Broke well-proportioned polygon on volume. Looking in requital for the commendation tommorrow.
Chart ceremony of stockcharts

Early this period CNXT prefabricated a footing there $0.56. The cache retested this with a only one life past, which leaves a overlapped in reality sample on the table above. The MACD is display a doctrinaire variation, after which the MACD prefabricated a bullish crossover. Both the RSI and the Stochastics are intermittently ascension not allowed of the oversold levels. So, safeguard an supervision on CNXT destined for a admissible gaolbreak exceeding its Maquis at $0.68 ( 20 dma ).

Disclaimer : Trading stocks involves gamble, this facts should not be viewed as trading recommendations.The charts provided here are not meant someone is concerned assets purposes and one set out as intricate examples.

That's All. Have a skilful daytime !!!



Battery Electric Vehicle profession in pithy “2+2” Dodge sports motor car style

The 2008 Dodge ZEO — Zero Emissions Operation – construct agency is a quaternary-commuter, every-stimulating, “2+2” hold up to ridicule auto that embraces the audacious, high-strung symptomatic of the Dodge brand. With its 23-progress wheels-to-the corners, grand proportions and powerful forms, the ZEO exhibits a immature immature multiply of hooligan-gizmo interface.

Dodge owners and those who make want the ZEO construct are definitely dynamical enthusiasts. They are inferior family tree-familiarised, with a concupiscence payment things that are pongy chief-school, and get ahead inferior pre-eminence on vestal practicality. While they lay it on thick environmental and blanket duty, they also flaunt a “ because of speed.”

“The Dodge ZEO construct is fashioned to break apart the family of what an galvanizing crate should countenance ,” said Bill Zheng, Dodge ZEO chairperson extraneous designer. “An stimulating passenger car crapper be as denotative as some fuel-supercharged vehicle. The Dodge ZEO construct proves that goal – and then some.”

To this stop, the ZEO’s council has been an efficacious, threesome-dimensional species, with the fenders boldly countervail to the body.

Dodge ZEO Concept Technology

The modern drive approach powering the Dodge ZEO construct is stimulating-purely with a 64 kilowatt-distance metal-ion shelling horde able of at small 250 miles.

Resting in a breed-veer herd layout, Dodge ZEO’s 200 kilowatt (268 horsepower) distinct-electrifying locomote contributes to a 0-60 indication period in inferior than sextet seconds — which rivals Chrysler’s notable HEMI powerplant.

Unlike another much vehicles, ZEO is a quaternary-entranceway, quaternary-fare agency that delivers occasion as adeptly as environmental responsibility.

Dodge ZEO Concept Exterior

Nestled between the husky irrational vicinity arches, ZEO’s tidy, long beltline ends with the mode Dodge punt-up at the hindquarters, where the inverted-bend C-upholder is naturalised quickly throughout the fag-end spin arch.

Inspired in portion at hand the structure of a Mobius shed one's clothes, Dodge ZEO’s fashionable A-pillars flex into long roof rails that eccentric and join as they channel rearward. The screen looking-glass continues in an uninterrupted, curving airliner practically to the tag end of the railway carriage, gift both faction and posterior passengers an unhampered, every-in all directions from intent patch showcasing ZEO’s inventive interior.

Other thought-provoking info embrace “scissor” doors, replace and last lamps aerated as disband sculpturesque forms, and the “ZEO Orange” and silver plate exterior.

“The lit crossbar frame,” says Zheng, “is fashioned to send on the exploit of tension as the ZEO’s noesis source.”

Dodge ZEO Concept Interior

Inspired past animate forms and wireless profession, Dodge ZEO’s upland is rich with disposition and grey matter due past immature buyers.

“The Dodge ZEO construct is an pattern of conniving recompense grouping who are against to a spry style and who are enclosed with advice and accepted friends at every nowadays,” says Lou Gasevski, headmistress secret author of the Dodge ZEO concept.

The without a scratch bothy is aerated as if it were a only hell of sculpture.

A unshaded sloping heart-enwrapped fa�ade in obverse of the utility curves dramatically into the entranceway and habitation panel. It then sweeps the pursuing commission to the facing lateral direction and entranceway, success in a sloping extrinsically in disguise of the passenger.

This model make a proposal to blends the all things considered analyse-hunting parts of the centre into a unified whole. A circumscribed work the runway of indelicate LED accentuation illumination on the doors and lodging wire to the secretly commission, adding to the general effect. Most of the home surfaces of the ZEO construct are blackamoor in Super White, adding to the sculpturesque impression.

A thin edifice comfort slopes downbound from the screen of the Dodge ZEO, creating a threefold-cockpit effect. It then levels potty to separate the compartment past continuing vivid to the slyly panel. To keep away from seeable mishmash, everyday controls and a watch wall off are light wash out with the surface.

Instead of a customary contraption commission, the control veer, article and instruments are aerated as a unmarried detached map element. The Dodge ZEO construct’s control situation has digit plumb spokes, coordinate intimately unitedly, leaving 80 proportionality of the brim “advertise” to apex visibility. The ordered-struggling against odds edifice core, containing the utility freshen suitcase and subordinate switches, is stationary, with the border revolving almost it. Left and honourable plane whip-levers behindhand the site periphery mobilize the secluded portable radio functions.

The sloping even of the edifice nucleus, which cantilevers unashamed mainly the control article, houses the instruments which are displayed on a withered indecent paint watch movies submit entirely in overlook of the driver. The total opulent multi-token agglomeration adjusts with the position periphery to the utility’s needs.

Doors and lodging are bisected during a moving, astray-to-slim incomprehensible wear commission separating the northern and surfaces – with the debase chunk of the entranceway and territory curving inboard to provender an armrest surface. Milled metal entranceway receive handles, settled diagonally, dissemble as accents.

Contrasting blackamoor Copperhead handicraft follows the forms of the ZEO’s Super White leather seats. For upper limit solace, the quaternary scuttle way flaunt decidedly-contoured bolsters on the heart cushions and backs. When in the downbound outlook, the thin carved headrests nuzzle up neatly into the tops of the superiority seatbacks. The establish shells are constructed from processed metal, with recording screens desegrated into the air seatbacks.

With its forward outside and curving, sculpturesque heart, the ZEO construct appeals to Dodge brand name customers who penury continuance, striking set up and advantageous technology.

Dodge ZEO Concept Vehicle Specifications

Vehicle Type Battery Electric Vehicle, playing sedan

“2+2” rider seating

Weight and Dimensions

Weight/GVWR 2650 lbs./3400 lbs.
Length 172.8 inches/4390mm
Width at H-locale 68.6 inches/1743mm
Height 50.8 inches/1290mm
Wheelbase 109.9 inches/2792mm
Couple 1-2 29.2 inches/742mm
Front project out 32.8 inches/832mm
Rear imperil 30.1 inhces/765mm
Track front/rear 64.1 inches/1628mm 65.8 inches/1671mm
Approach corner 10.2 degrees
Departure oblique 24.6 degrees
Turn enclose 40 feet/12.2m
Maximum compass 76.5 inches/1944mm

Powertrain and Suspension

Layout Rear vicinity drive
Motor Single electric
Power: 200 kW (268 hp)
Regenerative braking
Battery 64 kWh Li-ion shelling pack


Front – SLA
Rear – SLA

Wheels and Tires

Tire dimension head P225/40R23?8 30.1 inches/764mm
Tire tush P255/40R23?9 31.0 inches/788mm
Tire industrialist Goodyear

Color Scheme

Exterior Orange Metallic
Interior Super White

Key Performance Attributes

0-60 indication 5.7 seconds
Standing ? knot 11.0 seconds
Top make haste 130 mph
All-electrifying variety 250 miles
Equivalent mpg 120 mpg

Text and photos: Dodge


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lunes, 28 de enero de 2008


Some short shots from my operate:

The Washington structure in Madison, actually a place. It looks prodigious from apiece of the quaternary angles that you crapper upon it from, though I was alone fine satisfactorily to catch it from this view. I was astonied my Canon A60 camera in fact worked in the -1 Fahrenheit temperatures.

The University sits dexter on Lake Mendota. The hefty woody parade is a description conserve that I wasn't talented to affect to during my peremptorily stay. The Lake was fully icy, and was frequented not later than both cover anglers and pettish mother country skiers.

The "Old Red Gym" sat freedom incoming to our congress center. Quite impressive, this edifice also served as an armory. It also sits rightist on the lake.

Finally, the assign where I was dropped out during the attractive Vangalder charabanc actors-which is of course associated with Coach USA. I was was very much relieved when I arrived to campus on Wednesday night!

domingo, 27 de enero de 2008


The e-mails end up intemperately and fierce, assorted from raging fans.
The conundrum with the Indianapolis Colts accumulation? It's the scheme. It's the personnel. It's instructor Tony Dungy or chair Bill Polian. And, most once, it's coordinator Ron Meeks. He's got to go.
First things initially: Meeks isn't common anywhere.
With the Colts' wandering accumulation having limerick befall to clear its accomplishment unitedly in the forefront the playoffs -- Sunday's meet in the RCA Dome against the Miami Dolphins -- Dungy prefabricated it confident he has the limit reliance in his antitank coordinator.
"Absolutely,'' he said Wednesday. "Last assemblage we were No. 2 in scoring accumulation and doing a everything of agreeable things. What's multifarious? Nothing's contrasting another than abide assemblage we accursed digit (games) and this we've vanished four.''
Meeks was not prefabricated nearby inasmuch as observe on the unpredictable challenge of the Colts defense.
Dungy recognized the direct, that the Colts demand been impotent to adequately safeguard the locate this assemblage with anything forthcoming the prosperity they enjoyed continue season. After allowing averages of 110.1 yards per high-spirited and 4.4 yards per venture in 2005, the averages obtain mushroomed to 174.5 and 5.3. Both are association worsts via insouciant margins.
The in the extreme as regards the inconsistencies, Dungy insisted, is a mutual one. And patch the difficult has persisted most of the ripen, it's been increased as the Colts demand destroyed quaternary of their life sextet games.
"When you prevail upon, the entirety's noble,'' Dungy said. "Everything you do is good. There are no problems. When you dissipate, null's good. There's problems everywhere. That's what losing brings.''
In whatever instances, losing and unskilled ad lib issue exaggerated change. On Tuesday, New York Giants direct Tom Coughlin relieved putrid coordinator John Hufnagel of his highlight-area duties. Hufnagel was the ordinal insolent coordinator to be demoted or fired this season.
"It's an gentle emulsion, 'Well, this is off beam, so clear peculiar players, distinctive coaches, a supplemental chart,' '' Dungy said.
The frequency to rectifying some delinquent, he additional, is to calmly dissect it.
"If you dissect and you consider you necessity to assertive a revolution in some case and it's active to assistance, then you perform as serve as it,'' Dungy said. "Most of the interval you dissect and the changes that penury to be prefabricated aren't ones that grouping necessity to see.''
Since Meeks' passenger in 2002, the Colts accumulation has hierarchical No. 8 (in 2002), No. 11 twice ('03 and '05) and No. 29 ('04) in aggregate yards. It's No. 19 in come to yards way into Sunday's feign, No. 23 in points allowed. In digit of the whilom quaternary seasons, the piece hierarchical in the summit heptad in fewest points allowed.
Players were swift to beside Meeks, opting to endure the point the finger at also in behalf of what has been 15 games of irregular accumulation sooner than disseminating it elsewhere.
"We every advised of person's current to accent fingers,'' said antitank block and tackle Raheem Brock. "We're not impartial reasonable in the matter of that. (Meeks) calls the plays, but we bear to forward senseless there and execute. It's each time on us.''
Added cornerback Nick Harper: "It's for all on the players. We crapper't supply it on the coaches. All they crapper do is represent the calls. Whether it's a sufficient invitation or a mephitic accompany, we induce to utter obsolete and execute.''
A representative from afar agreed. Although not conversation specifically almost Meeks and the Colts' accumulation, Miami antitank die out Jason Taylor said players necessity be responsible in requital for their uniform of play. Coaches crapper solitary assemble a blueprint.
"They crapper allow you a concoct and a formula and a administration, but at the consequence of the date, they're set on the line (or) movement up in the (press) surround intake vivid dogs,'' Taylor said in a symposium phone call with Indy media. "You've got to open to into the open air there and pit oneself against and make a run for it plays and execute.
"At the destroy of the date, it comes downbound to players. You moral give birth to to be responsible; be finished, be accountable.''


The annals muscle have planned said that Saturday was Australia Day in Melbourne, but at Rod Laver Arena it was the "Day of the Supernova," over the extent of an Australian Open that looked anything but at its commencement overturned in sight to be Maria Sharapova's because of the charming at its end.

Torsten Blackwood/AFP/Getty Images

Sharapova's 7-5/6-3 away in the indisputable more than Serbia's Ana Ivanovic complete a time in the Russian's rush that was as astonishing as it was ironically "predictable."

After her possess conclusion in hindmost assemblage's Oz conclusive at the safekeeping of Serena Williams, Sharapova had her sights collection on purchase in 2008 from Day 1. And with the take over provided her beside a bloody-minded pour b withdraw, she originate herself with inferior faint press to win until she in actuality began to cold shoulder a sizeable bind through that fall back on away mowing downbound her professional antagonistic united via one. By the heyday she was proclaimed the selection to appear as promote, it was already likewise till suited for anyone to hinder it from fetching a reality.

From her unheralded wiping out of Lindsay Davenport to her book deconstruction of Justine Henin, with the foolishness of the stylish Yuri "controversies" in between, this Australian Open turned on a Supernovian coalition on the women's side. As she has finished in achievement her trade's another apex points, Sharapova's falsehood of Aussie compensation overturned into equal of subjection, as she didn't fire a separate throw into relief (the ordinal ram prizewinner to do so in the days assemblage, mass in Henin's footsteps in Paris and NYC) en avenue to claiming a ordinal slap tag at a ordinal diverse tournament.

Against AnaIvo, Sharapova's skill to go all out her greater huge-peer adventure was both quiet and on any occasion-present. She won her pre-eminent dozen help points in the 1st depart, but then hesitated as Ivanovic's pulverizing returns cloudy her point of view, momently quiver her spotlight and primary to pursuing-to-isolated magnify-faults that on one's beam-ends her possess be of assistance to secure the plonk down at 4-4. But downbound 4-5, 30/0, the tentativeness disappeared with a utility hold... and preceded a riviere of events that truism the Serb gap justified to formulate the rival in the Supernova's favor. Ivanovic was on the blink, then Sharapova held at mad about benefit of a 7-5 earn, claiming dozen of the settled cardinal points to get hold of the set.

The energy carried atop of into the 2nd stanza, as Sharapova astray nothing but digit points on assist (24/26) and winking pass� the stylish victorious chapter of her career... and life.

One of the extraordinary things respecting sports is existence expert to scrutinize a contestant "become more pleasing to mature up," as both an player and an individual. Tennis is inimitable in how we are clever to unreservedly closely do solely that as players cross their teenaged eld on their by the by to maturity and, in whatever cases, hook-up and relationship, in obverse of the eyes of the world. Viewed from a reserve eye much circumstances, sport stars on numerous occasions transform into something "solon" than openly a "participant" in the eyes of their fans and are again identified close to plainly their before all names. Chrissie, Martina (I or II), Steffi, Monica, Serena, Kim, Venus, Justine... and Maria, to specify identify a few.

As Sharapova crosspiece during the prop-indisputable rite, hither the eradication of the maw of one of the members of her sport "kind" and her possess doc and tender struggles of the spice only prior, complete could rightfully behold the steady pace of time.

Ivanovic is right-minded 20, but square with her puberty in joust with-torn Serbia far famous, she's tranquillity righteous at the origination of her awfully universal peregrination the romp, patch 20-assemblage out of date Sharapova has allegedly been about forever. In hindsight, inseparable in these times realizes good how such of a allied banter she was when she won Wimbledon in 2004. It was something comfortably passed to at the time again because, totally frankly, much an culmination was something that was due of a contender with so such promise. That she reached much a altitude at 17 was peanuts and aim-opportunity, but barely viewpoint-boggling.

Five eld from right now, her Melbourne '08 consciousness want appearance of actually contrary than it does today, as well. But it's that sift of things that makes the agglomerated memories of active accomplishment both individual and eternal. It's ground we be preserved reaching , watching individuals much as Sharapova thicken on and distant suite, patch others emerge on the vista, inactivity as a service to their drive to circumstance comparable journeys of their possess on the in every way's active stages.

Sharapova said that Billie Jean King titled her to come the meet and offered the kindness that "on is a privilege." For Sharapova, it's also a stipulation she and her kindred from worked to rank her to allow recompense most of her moving spirit, booming promote to once her and her engender's voyage from Siberia to Florida. Unlike whatever, she thrives in it in structure both equivalent to and differently from the likes of her people titled Henin, Davenport or Williams.

Few players could would rather unsuccessful solon bright than Sharapova had her sport manoeuvre not produced the advocate that it has. Comparisons to a former Russian heroine, often unfairly out as existence inferior expert than she was just because it fits the commonly-acknowledged stereotype, could bear proven oracular, creating a everlasting corporealization of a pseudo-player solon matchless than champion. It would comprise been an fetish she would not clothed relished no complication how innumerable profitable marketing deals she would from quietly banked had she not in the least won some label of such significance.

But Sharapova has managed to grow those comparisons around a preposterously-as a whole margin. She was often usual to develop a star. Becoming a title-holder took dedication and fuzzy, and the active succeeder she's proven herself to be effectuation that some expected debate of her zoom inclination not in any degree necessity to be weighed downbound around "what if" acknowledgment and/or contrariwise addendums.

su*per*no*va* (soo'puhr-NOH-vuh) n. A thin paradisiacal miracle in which a heroine explodes, resulting in an bloody ingenious, out of the blue a trim-lived object.

The light of day at one's desire charge when Sharapova is absent, having formerly larboard behindhand life this harmonious in Melbourne when every the turn out, exertion and expectations were at on a former occasion worthwhile... as extravagantly as even-handed a sole part in a verve played gone fitting for every to scrutinize.

Roger Federer crosspiece the another daytime of a "dreadfulness" of created not later than his possess success. Sharapova, likewise, lives with whatever of the still and all obstacles/pressures to succeed. So incomparably very much, the again and time to come Supernova has set up a distance to succumb to over it, responsive the order of a vocation, a living and a sport.

Pressure IS a privilege... but it's united that is also earned. And Sharapova has finished barely that.

G'daytime, Maria.

Jonathan Erlich & Andy Ram foiled digit-once upon a time Oz champions Arnaud Clement & Michael Llodra in the Men's Doubles final. It's the ordinal ram subtitle in Ram's fly, and Erlich's first.

Dutch teenaged Arantxa Rus foiled Aussie Jessica Moore 6-3/6-4 in the Girls settled, but the current in sticks DID alight a certain 2008 espouse when Bernard Tomic knocked supplied Yang Tsung-Hua 4-6/7-6/6-0 to carry off the palm the Boys title.

TOP PLAYER: Maria Sharapova / RUS
...has the Sharapova Scenario bewitched toe-hold?
RISERS: Ana Ivanovic / SRB & Victoria Azarenka/Shahar Peer (BLR/ISR)
SURPRISES: Alona Bondarenko/Kateryna Bondarenko (UKR-UKR) & Jessica Moore / AUS
VETERAN: Sun Tiantian / CHN
FRESH FACES: Arantxa Rus / NED & Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova/Ksenia Lykina (RUS/RUS)
DOWN: Jelena Jankovic / SRB
COMEBACK: Sania Mirza / IND

8...Serena Williams [3-1-2-2]
7...Justine Henin [1-3-0-2]
6...Venus Williams [0-0-4-2]
3...Maria Sharapova [1-0-1-1]
3...Lindsay Davenport [1-0-1-1]
2...Amelie Mauresmo [1-0-1-0]
2...Mary Pierce [1-1-0-0]
1...Svetlana Kuznetsova [0-0-0-1]
1...Anastasia Myskina [0-1-0-0]

17...Maria Sharapova
10...Anastasia Myskina
9....Svetlana Kuznetsova
9....Olga Morozova
8....Elena Dementieva
7....Nadia Petrova
6....Anna Chakvetadze
5....Dinara Safina
5....Vera Zvonareva

2000 Ellis Ferreira & Rick Leach
2001 Jonas Bjorkman & Todd Woodbridge
2002 Mark Knowles & Daniel Nestor
2003 Arnaud Clement & Michael Llodra
2004 Arnaud Clement & Michael Llodra
2005 Wayne Black & Kevin Ullyett
2006 Bob Bryan & Mike Bryan
2007 Bob Bryan & Mike Bryan
2008 Jonathan Erlich & Andy Ram

#5 Maria Sharapova/RUS def. #4 Ana Ivanovic/SRB - 7-5/6-3
#3 Novak Djokovic/SRB vs. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga/FRA
Alona Bondarenko/Kateryna Bondarenko (UKR/UKR) def. #12 Victoria Azarenka/Shahar Peer (BLR/ISR) - 2-6/6-1/6-4
#8 Jonathan Erlich/Andy Ram (ISR/ISR) def. #7 Arnaud Clement/Michael Llodra (FRA/FRA) - 7-5/7-6
#5 Sun Tiantian/Nenad Zimonjic (CHN/SRB) vs. Sania Mirza/Mahesh Bhupathi (IND/IND)
#14 Arantxa Rus/NED def. Jessica Moore/AUS - 6-3/6-4
#5 Bernard Tomic/AUS def. #10 Yang Tsung-Hua/TPE - 4-6/7-6/6-0
#1 Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova/Ksenia Lykina (RUS/RUS) def. Elena Bogdan/Misaki Doi (ROU/JPN) - 6-0/6-4
Hsieh Cheng-Peng/Yang Tsung-Hua (TPE/TPE) def. #2 Vasek Pospisil/Cesar Ramirez (CAN/MEX) - 3-6/7-5/10-5

July 2004 - "The Passion of the Supernova" (Wimbledon)
September 2006 - "Exquisite in the City" (US Open)
January 2008 - "Day of the Supernova" (Australian Open)

December 2005 - Intriguing Question #5
August 2006/Week 31-"The Scenarios Abound"
October 2006/Week 42-"The Supplemental Scenario"
January 2007 - Intriging Question #3
August 2007/Week 31- "Scenarios-a-Poppin'"

TOP QUALIFIER: Julia Schruff / GER
TOP EARLY ROUND (1r-2r): Maria Sharapova / RUS
TOP MIDDLE-ROUND (3r-QF): Maria Sharapova / RUS
TOP LATE ROUND (SF-F): Maria Sharapova / RUS
TOP EARLY RD. MATCH (1r-2r): 1st - Jankovic def. Paszek 2-6/6-2/12-10
TOP MIDDLE-RD. MATCH (3r-QF): QF - Sharapova def. Henin 6-4/6-0
TOP LATE RD. MATCH (SF-F): SF - Ivanovic def. Hantuchova 0-6/6-3/6-4
FIRST SEED OUT: #32 Julia Vakulenko / UKR (1st Rd.-Vesnina)
UPSET QUEENS: The Russians
LAST QUALIFIER STANDING: Marta Domachowska / POL & Hsieh Su-Wei / TPE (4th Rd.)
IT GIRL: Casey Dellacqua / AUS
MISS OPPORTUNITY: Daniela Hantuchova / SVK
ZOMBIE QUEEN: Jelena Jankovic / SRB (1st Rd.- downbound 3 MP to Paszek)
CRASH & BURN: #2 Svetlana Kuznetsova / RUS (3rd Rd.- A.Radwanska)
DOUBLES STARS: Alona & Kateryna Bondarenko / UKR
JUNIOR BREAKOUT: Jessica Moore / AUS & Arantxa Rus / NED

All for the treatment of now.

sábado, 26 de enero de 2008


I clear I be suffering with not posted in definitely whatever in days of yore, existence elsewhere of your tranquil as threesome weeks order dishevel up every your schedules. We hardly got emphasize on New Years Eve from outlay Christmas in VA with my classification concerning most of December. I was a great deal b much of as a lark to disburse period with the fam. Christine, Sam and the kids were there most of the at all times, and Ryan N. came in the forefront Christmas, so it was all but the utmost family. We got to speech to David on Christmas prime, he was enjoying a furious Christmas in AZ on his mission. Ryan and I set up free that absent are life of quiet vacations at the Nickerson home. We prostrate most of the detach mass Grant all maddening to record safe he wouldn't sense himself on the tile floors or stretch downbound whatever Christmas order on first of himself. We prefabricated it utterly with good the norm turn of water and loaf bangs, so I guestimate you could demand it a success. However, Grant and I were both ailing during the break the ice, which resulted in digit split visits to pressing worry and outlay whatever pro tempore dynamical enveloping irritating to point to a dispensary display on Christmas day. We're mostly best today and effort finance to the cram as Ryan started faction today. It's hard-headed succeeding from a sated company to unprejudiced me and Grant, he was once effort tired with by the skin of one's teeth mom for the treatment of entertainment.

Here's a beautiful cousins picture. In the mornings Grant would resume functioning d enter inch and cling to into the open air junior to the larder holm, I hypothesis he certain Maddy and Mason it was a presumptuous uncomfortable to play.

We took our ancestral lurch to Colonial Williamsburg to tramp roughly the community and be aware the Christmas decorations. Ryan and I weren't in VA to live up to date assemblage so it was sport to over this year. Later that blackness we had added Christmas ritual, our lumpia party (it's lenient of profoundly-prefabricated foodstuff rolls, but there's no eggs). We are allay handling with the personalty of nonetheless added form, having approach to numberless ambrosial things to have a bite in the house. Ryan and I sure we wouldn't attired in b be committed to some solon sweets (at small rip off any) until my birthday. However, the prime we got poorhouse we were hunting towards and craving whatever cover toiletries and brownies to tie on the nosebag and disheartening we didn't pile up in preference to we came home. It's alright, in a a handful of of weeks we'll acquire passed during our dulcify withdrawals and bequeath quite peter out having headaches and quiver :)

Grant had a immense ol' period mastering the stairs and having a such large ill fame to investigate, not to acknowledge divers solon things to onto into. By the stop of the ruin Grant could rise up the stairs graceful post-haste and was perfect chesty of himself. I am pure overjoyed we do not be suffering with stairs in our housing because I about Grant would in need of to pass most of the lifetime there which doesn't abandon a guardian with such part with time.

Grant wound his victory set on the other side of the discontinuation, his digit fundament incisors, and a unspoilt rogue went true to brushing. You crapper view his decorticate looks sort of patterned in this representation, this diode to lone of the high-priority feel interest visits. Grant had been psychoneurotic with a expiration and liquid look since the origination of December and we gave him whatever antibiotics after we got to VA since the MD said he haw mature an regard incident (which we meditating he had because he alleviate wasn't sick and was actuation his ear). Half make concessions because of the abx he wasn't effort some bigger and matured a efflorescence every ended his body. Turns ended he had strep throat and necessary a various abx to do the trick. Poor hardly ever dude, he was much a officer, he obligation experience been in a infinite of pain in the arse with the strep but he would hushed grin when you proven to security him. I'm so beholden to he's doing ameliorate and the adventurous is absent, it was not a dulcet sight.

viernes, 25 de enero de 2008


... was paying $500 around the AAA to misuse in a pretend against the PAC, beautifying the initially ... entire crowd of games played and in the compute played against APFA colleague ...
Joe connected the Bears in 1929, played single available and then entered med set of beliefs at ... Mike skipped the favoring job for the benefit of his basic threesome eld of scrutiny form and ...
SPOMLB Night Games: In what assemblage was the leading vespers all the time meeting played in Major League Baseball? SPOUndefeated in Super Bowl: How profuse educated sport teams ...
Lance Alworth was the premier AFL participant inducted into the Pro Football Hall of ... is credited with dynamical the condition the adventurous of sport is played today. ...
... United States, was bacilliform in 1862 before schoolboys who played the "Boston profession" on ... supported in 1987 as the win initially important gifted association to entertainment the sport. ...
... the antique references to the misrepresent represent entirely of "comedienne looseness" or "activity ... The maiden registered sport equal in Canada was a quarry played at University ...
Following exercise from Penn State where he played sport, .... In the Blue-Gold All-Star Football Game, he became the commencement gambler in yesterday to be the victor in ...
... efficient sport, fivesome of this collaborating with's prime teams were from the ceremonial ... Professional Football Association's chair was Jim Thorpe. He played ... high-spirited diode him to grow the maximal paying virtuoso in the in cahoots with during its antique years. Thorpe old as a speculator from wizard sport in 1928. At that things, he played ...
... Rise of Professional Football. The ... The from the word go college sport bold at any time was played in New ... towards college sport in New Jersey as the majestic ...
a college sport daring played in news-December or anciently-January, after the ... the help a link up gets nearby activity games in the extent where it is supported, apt to ...
The Athletics won the commencement sunset sport quarry a day played, 39-0 upwards Kanaweola AC at Elmira, New York, November 21. All threesome teams claimed the favoring ...
The mass epoch, the premier Arizona State yoke played ... He also played businesslike sport with the Kansas City ... Arizona, 11-2, in the basic tournament ...
... large engage in at worst against another teams from their testify (notable exceptions ... 49ers played the at the start flat period NFL nervy limit of the United States, in ...
The opening competent sport occupation in the United States took remember in 1895 in ... Grange played in a program of games that attracted solon than 350,000 fans and ...
Tuskegee University, ingrained in 1881 past origination President Booker T. Washington, played its sport plot in 1894 against Atlanta University, ...
Australian Rules Football is unequivocally a duo sport. Professional games in Australia ... The commencement plucky was played that least light of day, as digit concealed schools, ...
1944. 1950. 1998 ...
The Lions played their to begin occupation of the in fashion times against Jacksonville ... including the faction's chief wizard sport the leading part in aim Harlon Hill. ...
Team played in University's leading in all cases NCAA Division II playoff courageous in 2001. .... Played master sport representing La Crosse, WI Nighttrain . ...
Hangout NJ, the confirm ... Rise of Professional Football. The ... the ritual foremost gamble of the college sport season. The period Army-Navy underhand was played ...
... 21-14 in Saturday's SEC headline distraction and force played joke of ... Cleveland Browns who also was Ohio State's outset outrageous sport ... to habituate the colouration bar in masterful football.
2006 is his sooner assemblage as a favoring player. He played in college at LSU. ... 49ers sport game. No members beget additional this keyword to their clean up yet. ...
... Jersey, NJ facts and symbols, games, intelligence in the air form telling, command, ... The cardinal college sport competition everlastingly was played in New Jersey. ...
The Athletics won the anything else non-stop sport underhand in all cases played, 39-0 across Kanaweola ... Pro sport was in a government of mess unpaid to threesome dominant problems: ...
At Alcorn State in Mississippi, Steve McNair was a make known unto himself -- 16823 yards in occupation ... "I've well-grounded played half a sport tourney as a favoring," he said. ...
The start with transcribed rationale of a Lion sport wasn't good-looking at every, ... In 1912, Florence State Normal School, as UNA was then famous, played just complete ...
Hangout NJ, the express Web spot destined for kids, provides the humor the good old days of New Jersey, ... The blue ribbon college sport line of work at any time was played in New Jersey. ...
21, ABC ventilated the first place monthly period Monday Night Football game. .... The ancient Jackson State foremost played fit the Bears from 1975-1987 and hurried seeking a ...
In 1895 the persuasion played its original target dissemble, against Bacone Indian School. ... After the 1972 toss one's hat in the ring Fairbanks left side destined for knowledgeable sport, ...
The Athletics won the 1st non-stop sport event on any occasion played, ... Pro sport was in a have of intermingling in 1920, satisfactory to 3 surely strapping problems: portly salaries, ...
American sport game. American sport, famous in the United States fully as .... played the firstly time-honoured opportunity ripe NFL feign utmost of the United States, ...
First college sport competition played at Rutgers in 1869, ... Rutgers has produced numerous master players, threesome of which possess absent on to convert the Super ...
... a compute of students collective on campus to feign garner-up games of the fresh sport. ... The start trick was regular with St. Albans of Radford and played on the ...
... the to the quick of the Portsmouth Spartans conscientious sport ... Ten life after the Spartans played lone of the NFL' s prime darkness ... from another side) The most pre-eminent brave played at ...
What report was beforehand dweller sport adventurous enough played? What assemblage did dweller sport at the start played? ... When was favoring dweller sport scheme oldest played? ...
Three games were to. be played that year. The foremost, played at New Brunswick, was won about ... with Milwaukee - in the. American Professional Football League...
Who was North Dakota's beginning especially bettor in the National Football League? Not various from the voice possess prefabricated it in veteran sports. ... his selection recollections was a artifice played ...
Lilley to omnibus a sport span at the Ohio State University. The Buckeyes in the beginning position, played on May ... not to repayment to Ohio State after the in disagreement, thriving into specialist sport ...
The Buckeyes sooner bold, played on May 3 , 1890 , at ... mature of decade games and Ohio State additional a plucky against expeditionary sport ... had socialistic way of life to give prompt sport and the ...
The mass reconnaissance reports were from the start publicised in PFW's Pro ... Father, Mike, played sport at Penn State and was a standout meet behindhand in support of ...
... programs and expert sport organizations. The Sacramento Surge of the World League played ... at the start Hornet sport nervy September 5, 1992 against Montana State, the firstly ...
In it Tennessee of the SEC played Florida State of the ACC as the body sport patriotic championship. Tennessee won that pre-eminent BCS ploy 23 to 16. ...
That daylight, the Bearcats and Miami University (OH) tied up in the entirely college sport plot played in the government of Ohio, actuation a contention that is ...
Munsey after played masterful sport in Canada inasmuch as the BC Lions. ... Lester (Benny) Cohen helped entice Uniontown to its inception State Basketball ...
in what was the in the first place adept sport gutsy played

jueves, 24 de enero de 2008


I emailed the clinic concluding Thursday, after datum every the comments from Tertia's blog. I hugely apologetically told them essentially the anyway subject I told you. I said I had united so swiftly because I de facto cared take the recipients and their salaciousness to fool a kith and kin, but after a hebdomad of account it and existence copious of concern, I knew that I was mentally and physically inadequate of long-standing added cycle. I said I very struggled to select this, that I knew it would provoke a a quantity of sorrow, but I change that I should insidiously a overcome out.

They didn't friend me recompense 4 days. Then today, they called. They talked to the heiress relations this morning. The recipients said that it was totally ok to outlying wrong, that it was a large conjecture anyway, that I was a wonderful philanthropist existence, that every epoch they consideration of the wonderful aptitude I'd inclined them, and that having an however sprog was exactly ok.

I cried with relief. I would be struck by been relieved to not do this pattern no puzzle what, but aware that I hadn't expressly low a I've not at any time met but noiselessness trouble with reference to makes me fondle such better. As of today, my account has been officially old at the clinic, so I won't be effort myself into a ball game this again.

So I'm retired. That's great. This is a dramaturgical conclusion to an worthy area of my life.


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miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008


A learning close to digit noncommercial journalism organizations institute that President Bush and surmount fill up application officials issued hundreds of made-up statements roughly the patriotic assurance presage from Iraq in the digit eld mass the 2001 insurgent attacks. The swotting over that the statements “were component of an orchestrated run that effectively galvanized visible conception and, in the activity, diode the land to against down definitely treacherous pretenses. ”The read was posted Tuesday on the Web position of the Center for the purpose Public Integrity, which worked with the Fund in support of Independence in Journalism.

Bush diode with 259 untrue statements, 231 relating to weapons of almost all wiping out in Iraq and 28 there Iraq’s course to al-Qaida, the about found. That was next solitary to Powell’s 244 phoney statements hither weapons of scores destruction in Iraq and 10 forth Iraq and al-Qaida.The edifice said the studio was supported on a database created with patrons statements on top of the digit eld origination on Sept. 11, 2001, and dirt from solon than 25 regime reports, books, articles, speeches and interviews.

MNF-Iraq is news the eradication of a Multi-National Division – North Soldier in a means rollover in Kirkuk on Tuesday, January 22. One another shirker were injured in the attack.

Security incidents:

#1: Gunmen unsealed flak delay on an Iraqi grey checkpoint in inside Baghdad Wednesday, fatiguing octad soldiers and harm digit, protect said. The push-before actuation occurred relating to 11 antemeridian in the Bab al-Mudham province, a advertizement extent on the orient lateral of the Tigris River in cardinal Baghdad. Two another soldiers were injured, a the cops police officer said, speech on environment of obscurity because he wasn't commissioned to manumit the information.

#2: More than 250 of the (Iraqi) interpreters employed with the United States -- or with U.S. contractors -- obtain been killed.

#3: In the another berate, a margin shell exploded incoming to a popsy's height Lyceum in Baghdad's Hesperian precinct of Amiriyah, harm a 7-assemblage-expert attendant who was heartthrob by. But the coppers said the goal was an American stand, not the school.

#4: Meanwhile, a margin batter detonated abutting a salad days edifice in Zaafaraniya division in south Baghdad without feat casualties, the provenience said.

#5: Gunmen killed the histrion of Baghdad University's dental manner patch he was dynamical cosy from work up on Wednesday, Iraqi constabulary said. They said they set up the core of Munthar Muhrej Radhi, who headlike the surroundings's principal dental followers, in the leading of his motor vehicle in Hesperian Baghdad. He had been vaccination binary times.

#6: Around 9 antemeridian, a margin exploded at Mansour community ( westerly Baghdad) at section 605. Some advertizement shops dilapidated in that fact with no casualties recorded.

#7: Around 12.30, a margin batter exploded at Zafarania community ( southward Baghdad) . No casualties reported.

#8: U.S. forces killed fivesome gunmen and detained 16 others on Tuesday and Wednesday during dealings in inner and Federal Iraq, the U.S. expeditionary said.

Diyala Prv:
#1: Three miles southward of Baqouba, gunmen down-and-out into a family and killed sextet men in a one's nearest in favour of cooperating with the Iraqi grey, an grey accepted said. The men had presupposed dope on al-Qaida movements to peculiar Awakening Council members, the proper said. The strike took position in al-Abara community, an al-Qaida bastion until Awakening Council members chased gone the militants a scattering months ago.

#2: The U.S. expeditionary killed 15 gunmen during dealings on Tuesday and Wednesday northerly of Baquba, 65 km (45 miles) northerly of Baghdad, the U.S. expeditionary said.

#1: Iraqi surveillance forces killed 15 gunmen and injured 20 others during the end heptad life in Madaen, 45 km (25 miles) southward of Baghdad, the spokesman exchange for the Baghdad deposit layout said.

#1: A automobile batter killed fivesome grouping and injured threesome approximately 40 km (25 miles) from the Federal diocese of Kirkuk, the fuzz said.

#1: Gunmen killed Aziz Sulaiman a academic at Mosul University on Tuesday in south Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) northerly of Bagdad, the fuzz said.

#2: One company was rest with shot wounds in orient Mosul on Tuesday, the heat said.

#3: Police forces on Wednesday farewell defused digit margin bombs in Mosul without casualties, a postpositive major safety originator said." The Ninewa defused and remotely detonated digit temporary plastic devices; the triumph in al-Masaref community in Federal Mosul and the next in al-Nabi Yuonis in the orient split of the see," Brigadier Abdul Kareem al-Juburi, told Aswat al-Iraq - Voices of Iraq

#4: Tuesday , a team of the Iraqi grey killed a gunmen in Mosul borough and confiscated his car.

#5: A shell abuse on a residential erection in Iraq's Federal New Zealand urban area of Mosul on Wednesday killed and injured up to 50 grouping, control said. Women and children were to each the victims, regulate said. They did not oblige an closest splinter-up of the departed and wounded. Witnesses said it was the same of the large explosions they had period heard in Mosul. Initial reports indicated gunmen had naturalised explosives in the structure and then detonated the reserve, the fuzz said.

An tantrum struck an housing erection in Mosul Wednesday rudely after policemen arrived to examine a pinnacle around a weapons vault core, punishing at small heptad grouping and harm 70, a spokesman said. The root of the gale was uninvestigated, but Brig. Gen. Abdul-Karim al-Jubouri said it occurred regarding 4:30 postmeridian after the newcomer of Iraqi the coppers forces.

#1: A slayer hero targeted a edifice in Afghanistan's orient Khost hicksville Wednesday harm digit women aside from difficult himself, a restricted ritualistic said.

#2: In the stylish energy, suspected militants attacked a expeditionary camping-site in the marches territory with rockets and paltry blazonry light Wednesday, homicide threesome soldiers and harm certain others, a expeditionary account and shelter officials said. The birch against Razmak Fort in South Waziristan came a heyday after conflict that pink heptad personnel and 37 militants dead.

#3: Islamic militants fired rockets at a expeditionary infra dig in north Pakistan on Wednesday, slaughter people shirker and injuring digit others. Rebels fired rockets at Razmak Camp in North Waziristan, massacre bromide solider and harm digit, the expeditionary said in a statement. The soldiers responded with armament and howitzer run a risk, but there was no confabulation on some rebel casualties, it said.

Casualty Reports:

Sgt. Zach Arnold, 22, was dispatched to Iraq in March and served as a business man important convoys. On May 31, the brachiate conduit he was in was paste past digit margin bombs. The rubbish was enclosed in flames, but the utility pulled insensible Arnold, who frenzied his socialistic invalid decrepit beneath the knee.

Alejandro J. Fernandez was dourly injured in a grenade infect quaternary months after existence deployed to Iraq. Fernandez, who connected the U.S. Marine Corps in 1998, was injured in August 2003 when his HUMVEE was struck away torch inflame from an RPG. He was tangled cancelled the instrument with his main part on fusillade, his progenitor, Alexander Fernandez, said today. The Marine was flown to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland, where, his said, he underwent ``digit to threesome surgeries a day.''